klynetic innovation
You lead a B2B business and know the world is changing. If you innovate, there is a window of opportunity for you. If you fail to quickly commercialise your innovations, business will become tricky. You are frustrated because each time you delegate responsibility for this, you get many well meaning emails and updates when you ask for them, but progress slows and achievement is below expectation
Leaders can't always personally oversee innovation and must delegate. Without others stepping up, daily activity will absorb all available time and innovation will stall. A system of work is required for acceleration which has built-in control-points and visibilty
Turbo-charged progress through: a clear agenda; an organisation alert to opportunity; resources focussed on selected good ideas; teams supporting each other; no duplication; and you know who’s working on what
I work with your people to tailor the system to your needs and install it for you to use. Bringing 30 years of experience along with custom tools, templates and frameworks, when I’m finished your team feel ownership and you get both visibility and ever-improving results.